Something special from... The Inspiration & Entertainment Committee Friday, March 15, 2019 Jim McPherson The Secret Solar Technique
It's designed to be performed in the morning as the Sun is rising,
however you can practice it any time of day, as you don't actually need to "see" the Sun to perform the technique...
This technique uses the power of "The Sun" as a type of energetic-amplifier for the body and mind.
No, you don't need to believe that you are actually drawing energy from the Sun for this to work.
In fact,
the Sun you think you are seeing in the sky such a long distance away, isn't actually "out there."
So your mental focus on the Sun is enough to get a physical reaction from your brain, chemically.
Your mental
and psychological associations to the Sun are all you need to make this work.
First thing in the morning, just
as the Sun is rising, is the most effective time to do the following...
1. As you are waking up, move to a window
where you can see the Sun rising, or if you cannot see it, imagine you are in front of a window watching the majestic Sun
illuminate the Earth.
2. As the Sun continues to rise, breathe naturally and begin to notice the warmth of the
Sun on your face and skin. As you begin to feel the warmth, breathe in the warming, radiating, invigorating energy.
3. Infuse imagination with tactile awareness.
As you are imagining breathing in the Sun's powerful energy
on every inhale, it grows stronger and radiates through the entire body on every exhale. Bask within this cycle and feel every
cell of your being imbued with increasing warmth, charge and power.
4. When you feel you are "full" of
this energizing force, hold your breath for just a few moments while feeling the radiant Sun's energy glowing inside...
5. Then let go and exhale while allowing the sunlight within to expand outward in all directions, with the intention
of creating a miracle today... something unexpected, yet appreciated. Something amazing. Don't limit the manifestation;
let it be free.
Your higher intelligence knows exactly what to "do" with this new radiant energy.
Your only job is to do the technique, feel the effects, intend for a miracle utilizing this powerful Solar energy,
and then completely LET GO.
Then, just go about your day as usual. After trying this technique for a few days,
let me know of any miracles or unexpected blessings that 'magically' come your way.
Enjoy and Share :) *Thanks to my friend and colleague Jason Magnum for sharing this beautiful
technique please visit our online store for
more dynamic helpful products, programs and ideas
Have a magical day, Jim McPherson (612) 743-5184 (voice / text) P.S.
Stay tuned for our next mailing where we will share with you how to get an entire year of highly beneficial programs to help
better your lives throughout the entire year (and beyond)