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The Ultimate Massage For Men

The Ultimate Creative Visualization Collection by Carl Harvey

A Very Special (And Life Changing) Collection of Gifts

For Friends of Jim McPherson :-)

Hey, I’m Carl Harvey… 

I’m feeling inspired, so I’d love to give to friends of Jim McPherson a free copy of my #1 bestselling program of all time: The Ultimate Creative Visualisation Collection. Boom!

You’re getting twenty five (25!) “Done For You” Guided Creative Visualization MP3s… to help you experience the most exciting, profound and transformational visualizations – ever.

Each track is powered by scientifically-proven Zen12 Brainwave Entrainment Technology… which gently guides you into Alpha and Theta Brainwaves… Effortlessly.

This gives you ALL the benefits of meditation; plus, opens up your genius Subconscious Mind for new orders, beliefs and programs.

All you do is listen and you’ll experience a transformation!

With Visualization sessions for Abundance, Manifesting, Belief, Success, Sales, Confidence, “Perfect Day”, Intention Setting… and 17 more transformational tracks; you’ll find the PERFECT Visualization for any Goal, Intention or Challenge in your life.

Best of all: each session is only 12 minutes, so you’ll find it easier than ever to make Creative Visualization part of your day. Boom!

Now: Even though we’ve sold thousands of copies of this program…

At $495.00 per person

I’d love to give friends of Jim McPherson a copy FREE, as a gift.

If you’d like it, simply let him know.

Much love!

Carl Harvey

Part 1 – Welcome

7 Tips To Help You Get the Best Possible Results



Carl Harvey here... thanks so much for signing up, and congratulations – the training you're about to experience has already helped 1000s of people just like you to attract more abundance... grow in confidence... overcome limiting beliefs and fears... manifest more love and new opportunities... attract a non-stop stream of synchronicities... and more!

You'll find tons of powerful training inside this VIP Members Area. Have a look around and soak it all in :-)

As you move around the different sections you'll find videos, guided Visualization MP3s, meditation tracks – and more – all designed to help you manifest and create the life of your dreams. Boom!

Plus, here's some tips to help you get the best possible results:

1. Watch The "How To Manifest Money with Visualization" 90 Minute Training Video. You'll discover a 5 step system you can use to instantly attract more abundance into your life. (This is a great way to earn back your investment for this course, quickly!)

2. KEY: Use Headphones when you listen to the Visualization MP3s!

The Visualization MP3s are powered by scientifically-proven brainwave entrainment technology, which plays a different sound into each ear. This means you'll get far better results by using headphones... Try it and you'll experience how powerful they are.

3. Remember, Creative Visualization Is Proven In More Than 200 Studies...

So make sure you actually use these audios! For best results, listen once a day... you'll be amazed how quickly you grow in confidence, optimism and creativity. (And it all feels so effortless.)

4. Relax!

The Visualization MP3s do most of the hard work for you... all you need to do is listen. Just sit back, relax, and let me guide you. Thanks to the technology, you'll be taken to a beautiful state of Alpha Brainwaves.

When your brain is in "Alpha", you get better access to your subconscious mind... plus you'll feel more relaxed, creative and optimistic. You can listen to the Visualizations in any order, progress through a group or jump between different audios, tailoring your experience to your mood, goals and challenges.

Just Have fun and enjoy the experience :-)

5. Help yourself to your SPECIAL BONUS GIFTS :-)

Even though you're already getting a 90 minute training video and 25 guided Visualization MP3s... you're actually getting 4 FREE EXTRA TRACKS too! This is just my way of saying "congrats" for taking action... and to help you get even better results!


Visualization boosts your creativity, focus, wellbeing – and more.

It is natural you will start to experience more ideas & hunches that will take you closer to your desires – often within just 24-48 hours.

So... make sure you take "inspired action" on your ideas. Remember to trust in the power of pursuit and get moving! (Ignore new ideas at your peril...)

Good luck and enjoy the process of manifesting more of your desires :-)


  1. Feeling And Acting Abundantly

  2. Daily Wealth Checklist

  3. Abundant Belief Generator

  4. Feeling And Acting Rich

  5. I'M RICH!!

  6. My Wealthy Guru

  7. Pink Bubble Manifesting

  8. Unlimited Wealth

  9. Releasing Attachment To Wealth

  10. Think And Grow Rich

These "Done for You" Guided Visualization MP3s Help You To Think, Feel and ACT More Abundantly... In Just A Few Minutes A Day... Even (Especially!) If You Have "Scarcity" Beliefs.

Simply listen (use Headphones!) as I guide you to install a NEW "Abundance Consciousness" deep in your subconscious mind.

All you do is listen... and you will See, Hear and FEEL Yourself Enjoying Abundance In ALL Forms... even if you've struggled to imagine yourself abundant before.

These MP3s are turbo-charged by NLP, brainwave entrainment, hypnosis and positive psychology. They work deep at the subconscious level... and they're short enough to easily listen to everyday.

Plus, these are the exact same audios I listen to when I visualize. So you know they're like dynamite :-)


  1. My Authentic Self

  2. Empowered Belief Generator

  3. Morning Warrior

  4. Instant Confidence

  5. Release Attachment To Dream Life

  6. Ultimate Raise Your Vibration

These "Done for You" Guided Visualization MP3s Help You To Eliminate Limiting Beliefs... In Just A Few Minutes A Day... Even (Especially!) If You Have "Scarcity" Beliefs.

Simply listen (use Headphones!) as I guide you to LET GO of your limiting beliefs... and swap them for empowering, positive, confident NEW beliefs.

All you do is listen... and you will See, Hear and FEEL Yourself Full of Belief and Certainty... even if you've struggled to imagine yourself confident before.

These MP3s are turbo-charged by NLP, brainwave entrainment, hypnosis and positive psychology. They work deep at the subconscious level... and they're short enough to easily listen to everyday.

Plus, these are the exact same audios I listen to when I visualize. So you know they're like dynamite :-)


  1. Delete Self Criticism

  2. Feeling Loved

  3. Inner Smile

  4. Instant Happiness

  5. Instant Miracle

  6. Instant Compliment

  7. Visualize ACTION

  8. Love And Abundance

  9. My Ideal Week

These "Done for You" Guided Visualization MP3s Help You To Experience More Self-Love, Happiness and Flow... In Just A Few Minutes A Day... Even (Especially!) If You Struggle With Your Self Image.

Simply listen (use Headphones!) as I guide you to install a NEW level of self love, forgiveness and optimism, deep in your subconscious mind.

All you do is listen... and you will See, Hear and FEEL Yourself Enjoying Life To The Fullest... even if you've struggled with low self-esteem before.

These MP3s are turbo-charged by NLP, brainwave entrainment, hypnosis and positive psychology. They work deep at the subconscious level... and they're short enough to easily listen to everyday.

Plus, these are the exact same audios I listen to when I visualize. So you know they're like dynamite :-)

Part 5 - BONUS SECTION :-)

  1. Morning Visualization

  2. Evening Visualization

  3. Everyday Visualization

  4. Brain Evolution

Here Are Your FREE, Unannounced Bonus Gifts...To Help You Get Even Bigger Results :-)

You'll find Visualization MP3s specifically designed for the morning (to get you going!)... for the evening (to reflect on your day and set big intentions for tomorrow)... and one for anytime of the day you feel inspired to visualize.

Plus, you're getting an exclusive demo copy of Brain Evolution System – one of the most powerful Meditation MP3s ever released. (This is a great track to listen to when you want a non-guided, deep and powerful visualization experience.)




This Fast-Paced, Transformational 90 Minute Video Masterclass Reveals...

"How To Use Creative Visualization To Manifest More Financial Abundance... Easily, Effortlessly and With Way More FUN Than You Think... In Just 5 Simple Steps."

Grab a pen and paper...

You're about to learn a proven system which makes Creative Visualization fun, easy... and remarkably effective in the "real world".

You'll discover a simple 5 Step System, which helps you to create, attract and manifest more financial abundance. Simply follow the 5 steps and you'll notice far more abundance – and new opportunities – flowing into your life.

You'll also learn that the real "secret" is to visualize a little bit every day, and to make the positive feelings as STRONG as possible. This is the fastest way to create BIG positive changes in your subconscious mind... and that's exactly when manifesting money becomes fun, spontaneous and almost effortless.

Enjoy the training, and happy manifesting!

P.S. – Set yourself a challenge: Use this 5 step system to manifest an amount of money that excites you. Could be $10, $100 or even $1000. Put the principles to work and experience how powerful they are. Enjoy!


This immersive 3 Hour Workshop will help you to set powerful intentions...

Unlock exciting new resources...

And help you to Manifest your most successful year... Ever!

To obtain COMPLETELY FREE access to all audios and videos, click the two links below.

The first link will provide you with access to the 25 audios

The second link will provide you with access to the life-changing videos

PLEASE accept these gifts to you with my compliments for being a friend of Jim McPherson's

click here for FREE access to Parts 1 thru 5 (audios)

click here for FREE access to Parts 6 & 7 (videos)

" I have CDO... It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."


Jim McPherson

(612) 743-5184  (voice / text) from an iPhone

(763) 333-6239 (voice / text) from an Android phone
