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These testimonials have been submitted by users of Pure Herbs,Ltd products and formulas

April 30, 2008 “I have to testify of the amazing way Pure Herbs products have helped me. In early February I was under a lot of pressure to get things ready for my husband and I to travel to South Carolina for a month.

I had not been feeling well for a while, but now I was feeling unusually tired and not ‘feeling right’. Three days before leaving, we were doing last minute errands and I was having familiar symptoms of those I had read and known to be symptoms of a heart attack. I didn’t say anything to my husband and while we were in Wal-Mart I REALLY got hit with the pain down my arm and then a crushing pain. I knew this was serious yet I know that God is greater than any sickness and my faith gave way to prayer, as instinctively as breathing. I have to admit though that the pain and loss of breath had me thinking about using wisdom in this situation, as I didn’t want to be found on the floor of Wal-Mart!

I sat down on a bench and my husband asked if we should call 911? I said, ‘No let’s walk to the car and get home’! We went to the doctor the next day and he said I was in danger of having a heart attack at any time and should postpone my trip and have some tests run. I tried to make an appointment for a stress test and the blood test the doctor had taken got tainted. I knew it would be risky but I felt at peace about going on my trip and knew that I would be going to rest and heal.

So we went to
South Carolina anyway with an assurance deep within. I was talking with my close friend telling her what had happened and she suggested getting some liquid herbs from the health food store to get me started and help me as best as possible until I could stop and see her on my way home from South Carolina.

I was improving while in
South Carolina, but still had symptoms. When we finally did get to see my friend, she started me on O.C.-M and H.T. Comb. (Heart Tonic Combination). It only took two weeks and I have to say, I hadn’t felt as good as I was feeling in a long time!!! I have so much energy now and I can breathe when lying down! I have no pains, flutters, fogginess in my thinking and memory and I have an all around feeling of wellness.

I also use Big Five Plus Two for my hip and shoulder pain and it is amazing how it works so quickly and effectively!! Amazing!!”
—E. Schmidt,
West Palm Beach, FL

July 2, 2008 “It’s time to sit and Thank God and my friends at Pure Herbs for H.T. Comb. (Heart Tonic Combination). After having a heart attack I went off of all drugs and on to liquid H.T. Comb. After a year, my doctor put me through many tests. When it was time for my consultation he told me to keep up what I was doing because my heart had actually improved and he said that was very rare to see happen.

I am very happy with all of the products I have used from Pure Herbs. I also want to share my experience with Virginia Snake Root. I am extremely allergic to mosquito bites and the Virginia Snake Root has saved me much discomfort.

Then Kim, at Pure Herbs, told me about the P.A.K. (which has Virginia Snake Root in it) as Virginia Snake Root is only available in a 1-oz size. I am pleased with the results! Nature provides along with Pure Herbs help for providing the best healing possible.”

—Darlene Lemanski, Warren MI (586)751-3054

August 25, 2009 “I am writing this letter to you to tell you about a man who saved my life! I am 42 years old and had been feeling bad for a very long time. I felt so bad that some days I wished I would never wake up. I had no energy. I had pain in my neck, lower back, calves and feet. I could not work out and didn’t want to do anything else.

I met an herbal Doctor and my whole life changed! He tested my body to see what was wrong with me and found out I had stones in my body and a very bad kidney. He put me on O.C.-M and
B-5 (for my feet) and B-complex to get my strength back. I am happy to say it has been three months of being in the gym again and he I’ve gone from 280 pounds back down to 245 pounds. I thank God for the herbal doctor I met that gave me my life back again. I owe him everything I am and will be. Thank you to Pure Herbs. Your products do work!”

—I.T., Indianapolis, IN


October 2, 2009 “I was grateful to learn about Hoodia Combination and so were many others! I lost 25 pounds! Many people have told me that it looks like a healthy weight loss and I know it is better for my health. When I started taking the Hoodia Combination I never thought I would end up selling 42 bottles over the next few months without even any advertising, other than seeing my results.

For the first 2 –3 weeks of taking the Hoodia Combination I also took 1 Tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water each morning to help burn the fat. I believe I lost inches before weight and once the weight did start dropping I averaged about 2-3 pounds a week. Thanks
for sharing your herbs. God Bless.”
Ada Lapp, Atglen, PA (610)593-2892


November 18, 2008 “My father, now 82, had aneurysms beginning in 1999, which were treated surgically. Then in 2004, he had a subdural hematoma on the brain, again, receiving surgical treatment.

I told him he was having a failure of his vascular system, which needed support to be repaired, recommending V.V.H.-W for the job, along with
O.C.-M to prevent strokes. I bought him a bottle of each and gave them to him in the autumn of 2005. In February of 2006, he had a mini stroke (TIA) which caused his entire right leg to go completely numb for about three hours.
When I went to visit him in the hospital the next day, I stopped by his house to get the O.C.-M and V.V.H.-W, which were there, unopened. I put some of each in a bottle of alkalized gel to create a lotion of herbal solutions which I could rub on his skin. When at the hospital, rubbing this solution on to every part of dad’s available skin, arms, face, neck, legs and feet, a nurse-type came in and said to me, ‘Oh I see you’re a professional!’ I gasped, thinking I was caught, but calmly said, ‘Oh? Professional what?’ ‘Massage Therapist,’ she replied. I laughed lightly and said dad and I had been giving each other backrubs since I was a kid, and continued getting the O.C.-M and V.V.H.-W rubbed into dad transdermally.

Every day since then, dad has taken these two herbal combinations, approximately three squirts of each, twice a day. This summer (2008) he had a couple of episodes of a tingling feeling in his hands. It happened one night while I was visiting, and when he told me, I got the O.C.-M and gave him several squirts under the tongue and began massaging it directly onto the numb hand. As soon as I started massaging it onto the skin, the feeling came back in his hand.  I encouraged him to take more squirts daily than what he was taking. He is doing so and he has not had any more episodes of numbness since then.

Additionally, in February 2007, he fell up a set of slate stairs, and smashed his face, breaking several facial bones. He never had a single blood clot or numbness incident during his recovery from this, and I know it’s because of the O.C.-M and V.V.-H.” —N.S.,
New York, NY


February 12, 2009 “Back in November, I had a vaginal ultrasound and it was determined I had two cysts and they thought the ovary on my right side would need to be removed. I took Whole Apricot, Chickweed, Lapacho, Sanicle, A.C.S., T.-W, C.C.E.-W and MP.E.P. for two months prior to this because I knew I had some problem in the female organs, but specifically I didn’t know what.

A week later I got really dizzy and it kept getting worse and worse. I was afraid I was bleeding internally and was going to die. I knew I was going to pass out before I could get to the emergency room which was 20 minutes away. I had my husband grab
Herbal Adjustment out of the truck (I always keep it there for emergencies). I took a little more than 1/2 teaspoon (maybe 3/4 teaspoon). It immediately subsided. I still went in to see my doctor. They did blood work and everything was fine, but I did feel sick for two days. Since my pain was in the female area, just before this happened, I believe one of the cysts burst open. When I went in for surgery two and a half weeks later, they did find one cyst , but the ovary was fine. I believe the herbs made the ovary better.

Two years prior to this incident I had a bad spell with my heart and almost blacked out from it. I told the lady at the grocery store I was at to not call the squad or 911. I ran out to my truck, took Herbal Adjustment, and the dizziness went away. For two months after that I took H.T. Combo and my heart improved to normal.

I can now work outside again doing landscaping and lifting bags of dirt. Thanks to God and Pure Herbs.” —B.R., KY


August 24, 2009 “I have been promising to write you about H.T. Combo for sometime. My upline put me on the Heart Beam machine and we realized that my heart seemed much older than I am – not good. I have been using H.T. Combo with much success! Thank you so much for such quality products!” —Eileen Rees, Mine Hill, NJ (973)343-7597


October 23, 2009 “I feel I must share this testimony with everyone. In March of 2008, my 84 yr. old mother-in-law was in the hospital at the point of death. She has a ten year old pacemaker and a heart valve that doesn’t work properly. It should open and close as her heart pumps the blood, but hers opens a flutter and the blood seeps through. Anyway, her doctor suggested we call the family in because there was nothing else that he could do.

We asked about a new battery for her pacemaker, thinking maybe that would help. He contacted her heart doctors and they transported her to a hospital in
Louisville, KY. They checked her heart and pacemaker and decided to replace the battery and a lead wire that had plaque build-up on it. They didn’t think it would do any good. She survived the surgery and came home, but was weak, frail and to the point of giving up on life. She couldn’t lift a box of cereal from the cabinet or wait on herself.

I knew about the product O.C.-M
, but I had never read all its amazing benefits. I read the benefits of the O.C.-M to my mother-in-law and asked if she would just try it. She said she was somewhat apprehensive about taking it with all the medicines she was on, but she would try it anyway.  She thought, ‘What have I got to lose?’

She started taking two droppers of O.C.-M morning and night. Her strength increased daily and within three weeks time she was helping me put away groceries. She was lifting 5lb. bags of flour and sugar into the cabinet.

This summer she has been picking beans; she canned 57 quarts. She has made 60 pints of apple butter, 50 plus pints of blackberry jelly, grape jelly, peach preserves and jam. She shucked five bushels of corn by herself and helped fix it for freezing. She gathers eggs and does laundry.

She now takes two droppers of O.C.-M once a day. All her blood work and doctors visits are great! The doctor says, ‘Just keep doing whatever you’re doing and I’ll see you next month.’ Thanking God for Herbs.” —Ann Voyles, Irvington, KY