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Below are some wonderful FREE gifts, compliments of MindPowermp3.com 


Deep Delta: Elixir Acoustica

Delta Brainwaves

This demo album introduces you to the delta state. Please note: Again, as this demo just contains a few tracks, it is very unlikely you'll get down to delta, however you will experience the more intense delta BWE.

Delta brainwaves are most prevalent during deep, dreamless sleep. The delta state is a mostly unconscious state that is essential to one's physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. People who are able to achieve a state of delta relaxation through meditation will sometimes describe spiritual encounters and out of body experiences.

The delta state is perfect for inducing profound spiritual experiences, healing and deep subconscious repatterning. Delta frequency brainwave entrainment music is also a fantastic cure for insomnia.

The full Deep Delta: Elixir Acoustica album is 50 minutes long and one of our best selling albums. Beautiful acoustic guitar mixed with deep delta frequencies. Benefits of listening include pain relief and anti-aging. Other benefits include * Human growth hormone (HGH) release * Extreme bliss * Advanced healing of mind and body * Deep connection with subconscious * Deepest level of relaxation * Increased psychic abilities * Boost immune system * Perfect intuition

Deep Delta: Elixir Acoustica Demo

If you enjoy their music, please sign up for their beautiful newsletter and additional free gifts using the link below.

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Another wonderful, valuable FREE gift


 101 tips on health, wealth, life, relationships, career and more.
Yes! 10 top tips to help you reach your goals better and faster.
Yes! Discover how to be financially savvy with these valuable tips.
Yes! Healthy living tips: Eating and drinking practices to last you a lifetime
Yes! How to make your relationships last. You'll find tips on business relationships, customer relationships, personal relationships and mentoring relationships.

101 Magic Seeds

Click here to download


and go here for some beautiful stories and articles


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Click the link below for a beautiful subliminal entitled "Eliminate Stress" from HypnosisLive.com

click here to download file

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Click the link below for a beautiful recording from my friends at Manifestation Intelligence called "Attract Happiness"

click here to download file

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Click here for some valuable gifts from my friends at Balanceinme.com

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Click here to download "The Secret to Success and Happiness" from Dr. Joe Rubino

Click here to access our complete "Happiness Pack"


So that we can continue to offer you these precious FREE recordings and printed materials to help benefit your life and the lives of your loved ones, we ask that you please consider helping us further this effort by considering the wonderful collection of life-enhancing products made available especially for you on the following page (at a drastic discount)

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